Realizing the joy of this moment right now

Yes, the world as we know it has ground to a halt, our accustomed routines have been disrupted, and the prognosis for humanity may look grim. But in this moment right now, without consulting the disturbing stories the mind spins out, what do you find? Can you locate a problem? Is anything missing? Without the overlay of the mind, has anything essentially changed?

Allow your awareness to drop out of the mind and into the body. Sense it from the inside, the play of sensations, the movement of the breath. Sense into the stillness in the midst of activity, the silence beneath the noise.

Now allow your awareness to expand to embrace the full range of sensations, both inside and outside. The sounds of the traffic, the songs of the birds, the hum of the refrigerator, the voices of family or friends. Allow these experiences to point back to the awareness in which they arise. Notice that this awareness is boundless, timeless, welcoming, and undisturbed by the problems that seemed so pressing just a few moments before.

Gaze around you at what is right now, in its inexpressible completeness and mystery, without judgment or interpretation. No place to go, no problems to solve, no pandemic to combat, no threat to avoid. Just This. 

Let yourself rest in the joy of Being.