These meditations are core components of the “direct approach” to awakening that I offer in my classes, retreats, and the School for Awakening. Experiment with them and find out which ones appeal to you most.

If you’re just starting out, I would recommend beginning with the meditation Direct Approach and moving on to Rest and Allow and Global Awareness. In fact, you might like to practice Rest and Allow on a regular basis, which may lead you to discover the effortless space in which experience unfolds and to gradually disidentify from your thoughts and emotions.

Who Am I? introduces the essential practice of self-inquiry as a means to discover who you really are beyond the mind, and Just This! offers the possibility that past and future are just memories and projections occurring in the timeless Now.

Go where you feel drawn, and continue to enjoy the meditations that resonate for you. If you’re interested in learning more about the teachings that inform these meditations, listen to the free videos, read my books, or enroll in an upcoming event or the eight-month intensive School for Awakening.